The Girl who inspires me!


I am not a professional writer. Just tried to express emotions through words. Do let me know your opinions. Feedback would be appreciated.

Life has always been fair enough with me. But there are people who have experienced life in a very short time. Here, I met a black beauty with short adorable height,long hair always carrying a bright smile on her face and to top it all a very good soul.

No one in this world will love a girl more than her father. Her dad passed away when she entered into engineering. How difficult it is to even imagine a second without our loved ones? Neither will she ever experience the feeling of her father holding her hand nor will any one entertain her tantrums. She had no choice except to accept the reality, and she dealt it with real maturity.

It wasn’t the end of dolor in her life. Soon she was diagnosed with Nephrology.

As they say sister is our first friend and second mother. Who would have thought siblings who used to share baubles and barbies as a kid will end up sharing organs. Brother who had taken oath to protect her sister was seized with impotent emotions. Amidst all the fuss a mother was ardent enough, her prayers will not go in vain.

A doctor was behind all the fiasco. The medicines she was prescribed led to kidney failure . Her sister stepped up to be her donor. Her career had demolished. But after every sunset sun rises again,  and greets the coming storm.After 4 years she shines like a sun overcoming all the troubles, making her career vigorous.

Among all the difficulties an outlander always stands by her side along with her family. Who is going to be her consort for the rest of her life. One can see the passion and affection in his eyes , how he get a glimpse of his sweet heart while she tinges pink.♥♥♥

14 thoughts on “The Girl who inspires me!

  1. As for story-telling, this narrative possesses a distinct voice and clearly conveys your emotive response. Well done. As for design, could be a bit better. The background is great; the font, not so much. Consider making it a darker font, as it can be difficult to read like this. Also, standardize your margin justifications. Most of WordPress aligns to the left, and unless you know how to input padding via CSS, you won’t be able to change it. Make your paragraph alignment Left-Aligned, and you’ll be good to go. Nice first post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It sounds like this girl really was an inspiration! I’m glad she is so upbeat even with the troubles she has had in life. But I’m wondering—Is this girl your sister?

    One more thought about your blog:
    As I looked at this post I didn’t see any categories or tags — and they usually show up just under or just above the post. Categories and tags are what send your post to the Reader so other bloggers can see the title and a couple of lines you’ve written. Check out the Reader at for some ideas.

    As well as sending your post to appropriate topics in the Reader, as you get many more posts written the categories and tags become your blog’s filing system. Think of Categories as the main themes; tags as the finer points. For example, you could have used People and Health, Personal, and Friends as your categories for this post, and Thoughts, Musings, Reflections, Friendship, Inspiration, Relationships, etc, as tags. You will get more ideas when you look in the Reader.

    Once you see how the Reader works, you’ll have a better idea of how to tag your posts. WordPress allows a combination of up to fifteen Cs & Ts so use as many as are suitable for the subject of your post.

    Another thing you’ll need to do is activate your Like & Follow button. All I see here is that Links button where you can show your connections to Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    Wishing you all the best in this new adventure. 🙂

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